Thursday, April 19, 2018

2018 NYAC VIM Mozambique: United Methodist Women by the Indian Ocean

Enid Watson, of South Floral Park UMC, writes:

God has been good to us throughout our journey. We are all doing fine.
After breakfast, we took a nice leisurely walk from the guest house to the beach by the Indian Ocean. The beauty of creation continues to generate awe and praise as we admired the brown, sugar crystal sand, tiny sea creatures, collected seashells and took pictures of not just ourselves against the silhouette of the ocean, but Michael took pictures of his footsteps in the sand before the tide washed them away.

After lunch, we joined the UMW of Central UMC for their weekly meeting. They were reminded to keep their lamps shining brightly for others to see and not hidden under a bed. We were then welcomed with the traditional a cappella coordinated music. After introducing ourselves, Enid addressed the ladies, emphasizing the mission of team building.

The highlight of the day was meeting with a wonderful volunteer of the Beira English School, Joselda. Despite her own educational struggles, she is selflessly teaching the students. She expressed the need for more material and the establishment of a proficiency certificate at the end of the year The school is currently not being funded.

After dinner we had a profound conversation focused on the history and the future of our denomination and Biblical reflections.

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