Wednesday, October 12, 2016

To God be the Glory!

Greetings again!
As you have probably seen, posts continue to seem a day or two 'late'.  The confluence of conditions can be a challenge...i.e. I need the post, the photos, the laptop, the internet and the time. 

By Pastora Luiza Martinez
Primera Iglesia Hispana UMC
Manhattan, NY

El Lunes Viajamos de Japon a Guam, muy temprano en la mańana salimos del Hotel, en el viaje al aeropuerto mi pensamiento era de preocupacion porque tendriamos que viajar el dia entero; y pensaba en la incomodidad del viaje por las muchas horas de vuelo, ya que conocia muy poco a mis compańeros/as de viaje. Pero Dios en su misericordia me enseńo una vez mas que los que confian en el seńor “Son como el monte De Zion que no se mueve seno que permanence para siempre”.

El Viaje fue maravilloso, el grupo protector unos de otros demostrando su amor Cristiano a cada momento. No puedo dejar de exclamar. “Cuan Bueno y cuan delicioso es habitar los hermanos juntos en armonia”.

La experiencia de viajar con un grupo Cristiano en un viaje misionero no se puede expresar en palabras hay que experimentarlo y vivirlo. Todo lo visitado, todo lo aprindodo, todo lo visto, ha sido interesantisimo pero lo que trasciende es el trato hermanado entre unos y otros.

Rev. Luiza Martinez

Again, for those of you who are not well versed in Spanish... this is for you!

Monday we traveled from Japan to Guam. Early in the morning we left the hotel and as we were traveling to the airport I was worried because we have to travel a whole day and I was preoccupied because of the discomfort of the trip because I knew little of my companions.
But God in His mercy, taught me one more time that those who trust in the Lord are like the Mount of Zion, that doesn’t move and is permanent.
The trip was marvelous. The group protected one another and demonstrated the Christian love in every moment. So I need to express how great is how great is my Lord that Brothers and Sister would live in such harmony.
The experience of traveling with a Christian group in a Mission trip, I cannot express with words.
All that I have experienced, all that I have learned, all that I have seen is interesting, but what will transcend forever, is the relationships we have established between us.

To God be the Glory!! 

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