Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Mi Primer Viaje Misionero a Japon

Today is Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at the time of this posting. We flew to the Philippines on Monday the 10th. However, below is a reflections from our time in Japan. 

By Debora Barett,
Primera Iglesia Hispana UMC, Manhattan, NY
Mi Primer Viaje Misionero a Japon

Lo mas emocionante para me fue  el estar sentada en un Templo Crisitano y adorar a Dios junto con los hermanos Japoneses, una inmensa paz embargo mi alma durante el servicio, aunque no entendi el idioma, ni una sola palabra,  pero sé que Dios estaba presente en ese lugar. Lo musica de uno de los himnos fue familiar para mi. En la hora del café cuando cantamos Sublime Gracia senti una presencia inmensa del Espiritu Santo. Cuando nos agarramos de las manos y oramos fue algo bien especial. Sentir la presencia de Dios tocando cada fibra de mi ser.
Un abrazo, una sonrrisa, me dice que aunque no entendamos el language, el idioma del amor es internacional y nos hace uno en Cristo Jesus. Un brindis por la paz, una oracion por la paz, nos dice que como hijos/as de Dios hemos tocado vidas que no tienen nuestra cultura, ni nuestro idioma, pero tienen el amor de Dios y es lo que nos une; ademas cuando nos agarramos de la mano en el Monumento de los ninos orando por la paz fue bien especial.
Me siento muy agradecida de Dios por permitirme viajar con un grupo de personas tan amorosas, este es me primer viaje misionero creo que Jamas lo olvidore y quiero agradecer a cada unas/os de mis hermanos por permitirme compartir esta experiencia tan importante.


For those of you who could not decipher the Spanish, continue reading below!

Most exciting for me was sitting down in a Christian temple and praising God with Japanese brothers and sisters. I felt the peace of God during the service and my soul was lifted up even though I did not understand the language. Not a word. But I knew that God was present in that place. Only one of the hymns was familiar to my ears.
At the coffee hour we sang Amazing Grace and the spirit of God was present We held hands. I felt in my whole being that God was present in that place. A hug, a smile, and even though I did not understand what people were saying, the language of love is international and makes us one in Christ.
A prayer for peace, a toast for peace tells us that as children of God we have touched other people lives. We were with people from different culture and a different language than ours. But the love of God unites us.
In Peace Park, we were praying for the children and for peace and this was a very special moment.
I thank God for allowing to travel with a group of loving people.
This is my first missionary trip and I think I will never forget it. I want to thank each one of the brothers and sisters for allowing me to share this important experience.

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