O, give praise to God; praise God in His Sanctuary!
Our journey to Ghana is almost at an end. We have been blessed by the gracious hospitality of the Methodist Church--most recently in Kumasi Diocese, Freeman Society, as well as by the Ghanaian family of Rev. Dr. Leslie Duroseau. We were given an inside view to the community and culture from a local perspective.
As we prepare to minister Liturgical Dance along with the local youth groups, we are mindful of our Omnipresent God, adored here and everywhere the same, His presence felt so strongly in the litany of worship.
This Sunday morning began with a wonderful worship experience at the historic Wesley College at about 6.30am. it was attended by more than 1,000 students. Rev. Ewoodzie was invited to preach. The title of his sermon was "We are the witnesses of the Goodness of God."
Before the establishment of seminaries in Ghana, Wesley College was where all Methodist ministers, including Joseph's father received their training and experience.

One of the pieces that we ministered today, "More of you, Jesus," was choreographed and taught to us by Eva, a liturgical dance leader from GMHSU in Accra. We pray that our ministry of sacred, liturgical dance will reap a harvest that cannot be numbered in every region of Ghana and in the world. God will transform our small efforts into something that will astound the masses.
Be faithful! The blessing is always in the breaking. Amen.